Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tom's the guy!!!!

Well, school has started back, and time is going by fast!  I can't believe that August cam and went and it is already the 8th of September!!!!  Wow!  The girls are doing great, and Zeke is awesome!  (That's the dog, fyi, lol!)  But I didn't sit down to Blog and to talk about the kiddos today.  I wanted to talk about Tom.  He is my fiance.  We have been engaged since October, 22, 2010.  We have been just enjoying life and not stressing about a wedding... we'll see, maybe I'll be talking about a wedding soon, who knows!?  We are on God's Time, and he is keeping us blessed, so we'll get there.  

I think I have a great guy!  If you don't know him, he is 6'5", and a barrel of laughs and sarcastic quips.  I love that he is invested in what is going on with all four of our kids, and that he is always there for me no matter what.  A couple of weeks ago, we had a rip roaring day of home repairs... The kitchen sink was leaking, the vaccuum cleaner was clogged, and the washing machine died.  All of this in a matter of about three hours... He just kept working and working.... If you know me you know I am helpful, and crafty, but not the least bit handy!  lol

I know I am always writing about my family and things, but they are the things that keep me going.  I love my job, and I love my love for education.  I'm still on the hunt for an AP job, and that will also come in God's Time!  Thanks for reading!  I'll post again soon!

<3, Julie